DSN-less connection to an Informix Database



I am using the code provided at
http://www.accessmvp.com/DJSteele/DSNLessLinks.html to link to a table in an
Informix database.

It works up to this line:

dbCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfCurrent

At this point I get the following error:
Reserved error (-7778); there is no message for this error.

I've searched google groups on this error, but can't find a good explanation
for the error. Can anyone tell me what this error may mean and how I can
fix it?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Douglas J. Steele

What Connect string are you using? (i.e.: to what did you set
tdfCurrent.Connect) Do you know that it's correct?


Thanks for the reply Doug.
Here is my connection string:

tdfCurrent.Connect = "ODBC;DRIVER={IBM INFORMIX 3.82 32 BIT};" & _
"HOST = p04s03;" & _
"SERVER = " & ServerName & ";" & _
"SERVICE = Turbo;" & _
"PROTOCOL = olsoctcp;" & _
"DATABASE = " & DatabaseName & ";" & _
"UID = informix;" & _
"PWD = informix;"

I too suspected the connection string to be the problem so I modified the
driver name to test that it is valid. I get the following error:
ODBC--call failed. (3146) encountered
so I assume that the driver name isn't the problem.

I also tried replacing the driver argument with the user DSN that I used to
create the table. I did not get any errors, but of course the table still
uses a DSN.

I think that rules out the connection string as the problem. What do you

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, I've got no experience at all with Informix, but looking at what Carl
Prothman has at
http://www.carlprothman.net/Default.aspx?tabid=90#ODBCDriverForInformix it
looks as though you might need to include the word DSN in your string:

tdfCurrent.Connect = "ODBC;Dsn=;DRIVER={IBM INFORMIX 3.82 32 BIT};" & _
"HOST = p04s03;" & _
"SERVER = " & ServerName & ";" & _
"SERVICE = Turbo;" & _
"PROTOCOL = olsoctcp;" & _
"DATABASE = " & DatabaseName & ";" & _
"UID = informix;" & _
"PWD = informix;"

You might also remove the spaces around the equal signs: that can sometimes
make a difference.


I removed the spaces around the equal signs and added the "Dsn=" to my
connection string. When I ran it, I got a dialog box titled "Select Data
Source" similar to the "ODBC Datasource Administrator" dialog box.

I noticed that Carl's site has connection string formats for versions 2.5
and 3.3 of the ODBC driver. I sent him an email asking if the format is
different for the version that I'm using - 3.82 . I will reply here if I
hear from him.

Thanks again for your help, Doug.

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