I am having some problems with DSOFile.dll. I am running an application
that grabs a list of files and puts them in a windows explorer type
window. This all works fine untill I get to an outlook saved emial. The
icon that's getting appeneded to the imageindex of the list view i am
using for somereason keeps returning the generic file icon. To get
around this issue i have decided to use the DSOFile reader as opposed
to calling Shell32.dll as i was before. This works fine when i
instantiate the class, however when i go to read the icon attibute of
this object i get the following message.
An unhandled exception of type
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in OTExplr.exe
Additional information: Catastrophic failure
This seems to happen no matter what I do. I have looked at the exmaple
dso code any my code works the same way. Any ideas on this would be
that grabs a list of files and puts them in a windows explorer type
window. This all works fine untill I get to an outlook saved emial. The
icon that's getting appeneded to the imageindex of the list view i am
using for somereason keeps returning the generic file icon. To get
around this issue i have decided to use the DSOFile reader as opposed
to calling Shell32.dll as i was before. This works fine when i
instantiate the class, however when i go to read the icon attibute of
this object i get the following message.
An unhandled exception of type
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in OTExplr.exe
Additional information: Catastrophic failure
This seems to happen no matter what I do. I have looked at the exmaple
dso code any my code works the same way. Any ideas on this would be