dsp:root tag in DataView WebPart Query Editor


Davide Lomonaco

I have configured a Windows SharePoint Services Portal
Site on a SBS 2003 Server
A page of this Portal Site shows specifics DataView
WebParts informations extracted from Lists

My goal is to make this portal a Template Site

The problem:
the <dsp:root> tag in the Data Query Editor (WebPart
Properties via FrontPage 2003) contains the root path of
the source wss site (where there is the List from which
data is extracted)
eg. http://myserver/myportalnam

The path "myportalname" must be parameterized with the
URL/path of each Portal Site made on the Template Site

How can I catch up the goal

- SBS 2003 Server Preminum RTM (English
- Windows SharePoint Services with Italian Language

Best Regard
Davide Lomonac

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