DST Concerns


Dan DeCoursey

I see that micorosft has published a great deal of "stuff" in the last 2
weeks addressing the upcoming DST change

for an event that was supposed to be "no big deal" all the sudden everyone
is scurrying around trying to get prepared...

we have a brand new exchange server 2003 do we just run an update tool
on the exchange server or do we need to do something at the individual
client outlook's ( hope not)

K. Orland

I'm rather surprised you've left it this late and haven't clarified what you
need to do. This is the information I have:

General order of updating for DST changes:

Apply and verify updates to server operating systems (KBs 931836 and 914387)

If you are running Outlook Web Access, Exchange Lotus Notes connecter, or
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange , install the Exchange
Patch CDO.DLL (KB 926666)

Update your Windows client operating systems if they already have not been
updated using Windows Update or Windows Server Update Services (KBs 931836
and 914387)

Correct individual e-mail application calendars using the Outlook Time Zone
Update Tool (KB 931667)

For more information on daylight saving time changes, visit Preparing for
Daylight Saving Time changes in 2007.

If you want more Exchange-related information, post to the Exchange Admin
newsgroup or visit the Microsoft website. If you need more Outlook-related
information, please post back.

K. Orland

You *can* run the Exchange Calendar update tool against all affected users
but as far as I know it's recommended to run it against recurring
appointments only and users can update the single instance ones themselves.

When using the TZMove tool, choose Windows time zones.

K. Orland

I had my users print their calendars out for the duration of the time change,
just to be sure they could track everything.

The Microsoft site didn't say NOT to run the tool (that I saw) against all
calendar entries but the recommendation was to run it against recurring
appointments and manually adjust single instance entries if they needed to be

Good luck!

Dan DeCoursey

Well I am surprised that you are surprised... :)
I have run all OS patches and now as I am running TZmove my users
are reporting inconsistant inaccurate results. Some items are indeed still
scheduled accuratly some are an hour off ...

when we run TZmove and there is the screen that asks whether to move
items to the windows timezone or the other selection is to mover then to a
"new" timezone

the default is the first......is that correct ? I question this
because if you select "new timezone" the grayed out selection that comes to
life is my current timezone but it says (update) right after that
..............so what is the correct selection ? I did not "create a new
timezone" (I see thatthe TZedit tool used for Win2k permits you to
actually create a new timezone)

So we are at a standstill here on trying to be proactive on this .....we are
going to still plod on wht the OS updates and that is it until we can figure
out how reliable this tzmove utility is

what do you think?

Dan DeCoursey

I must not have caught that this would only do recurring appointments but
as you pointed out ..I did leave this till the last moment and are hurring
things up a bit
thaks for all your help

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