Kirk P.
I've got this SQL in a select query called 8_qselWF_Prod:
SELECT Year, Period, Entity, Function, Prod, AllocMeth, Sum([Sum Monetary
Amount]) AS ProdAmt, CDbl(DSum("[ProdAmt]","8_qselWF_Prod")) AS ProdTtl,
CDbl([ProdAmt]/[ProdTtl]) AS Pct
FROM tblISData INNER JOIN tblAllocMeth_Func ON Function = Function
GROUP BY Year, Period, Entity, Function, Prod, AllocMeth
HAVING (((Entity)="Optum") AND ((Prod) Not Like "9*") AND ((AllocMeth)="WF"))
ORDER BY Function, Prod, AllocMeth;
I want the DSum function to return the product totals by function. I've
tried critiera in the DSum function such as "[Function] = " & [Function], but
so far no luck. Help!
SELECT Year, Period, Entity, Function, Prod, AllocMeth, Sum([Sum Monetary
Amount]) AS ProdAmt, CDbl(DSum("[ProdAmt]","8_qselWF_Prod")) AS ProdTtl,
CDbl([ProdAmt]/[ProdTtl]) AS Pct
FROM tblISData INNER JOIN tblAllocMeth_Func ON Function = Function
GROUP BY Year, Period, Entity, Function, Prod, AllocMeth
HAVING (((Entity)="Optum") AND ((Prod) Not Like "9*") AND ((AllocMeth)="WF"))
ORDER BY Function, Prod, AllocMeth;
I want the DSum function to return the product totals by function. I've
tried critiera in the DSum function such as "[Function] = " & [Function], but
so far no luck. Help!