Hi Tom
I really appriciate your effort.
I tried to paste in you code, but it says the undefined function
T1.Month ?!
"Tom Ellison" <
[email protected]> skrev i en meddelelse
Dear John:
The way you have modified the query I wrote is not going to work. You
must retain the aliases. Working from what you wrote, perhaps this:
SELECT Year([Dato]), Month([Dato]) AS Maaned,
SUM(Antal) AS SumofAntal,
FROM Tbl_Oplag_avis T1
WHERE T1.Month([Dato]) = T.Month([Dato]))
AS Oplagsrate
FROM Tbl_Oplag_avis T
WHERE Dato Between #3/18/2005# And #2/1/2006#
GROUP BY Year([Dato]), Month([Dato])
ORDER BY Year([Dato]), Month([Dato])
I hope I've made the spellings of tables and columns correctly.
I don't know what happened to "Product" but you can reinsert it if
Tom Ellison
Thx again
Unfortunately it did't help because it is the same table I wan't to
get the sumtotal from. I tried this:
INSERT INTO Tbl_TEMP ( Aar, Maaned, Oplag, Reklamationer )
SELECT Year([Dato]) AS Aar, Month([dato]) AS Maaned,
Sum(Tbl_OPLAG_AVIS.Antal) AS SumOfAntal, (SELECT
Sum(Tbl_Oplag_avis.Antal) AS SumOfAntal FROM Tbl_Oplag_avis WHERE
(((Month([Dato]))=Month([Dato])))) AS Oplagsrate
WHERE (((Tbl_OPLAG_AVIS.Dato)>=#3/18/2005# And
GROUP BY Year([Dato]), Month([dato])
ORDER BY Year([Dato]), Month([dato])
But this doesn't work (Here sumtotal and sum(Antal) should return the
same value.
"Tom Ellison" <
[email protected]> skrev i en meddelelse
Dear John:
I believe what you need to add the SumTotal column would make the
whole query:
SELECT Month([Date]) AS Month, Product,
SUM(Qry) AS SumofProduct,
FROM YourTable T1
WHERE T1.Momth([Date]) = T.Month([Date]))
AS SumTotal
FROM YourTable T
GROUP BY Month([Date]), Product
ORDER BY Month([Date]), Product
The SumTotal column would be the same for every row within any given
If you are going to report this, with the SumTotal only at the end of
each month, then you wouldn't need to do so much of this in the
query. A report will give totals at level breaks without this query
Tom Ellison
Hi Tom
Thanks for your answer - The sumTotal is all qty added for all
products for each month.
When using an example I should make sure that it is right
so In the example in month 11, 5 pieces of product 10 was sold, and
5 pieces of all products was sold in total in month 11. in month 12
10 pieces of 10 was sold, and 40 pieces in total.
It is correct that the format is dd-mm-yyyy.
But then I think I can't use your surgestion - am I right?
The result of the query should offcause be:
"Tom Ellison" <
[email protected]> skrev i en meddelelse
Dear John:
How about getting the result without DSUM? As long as it's the
correct answer.
Could you try this:
SELECT Month([Date]) AS Month, Product,
SUM(Qry) AS SumofProduct
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY Month([Date]), Product
ORDER BY Month([Date]), Product
In the above query I have added a column to show the Product. I'm
not sure how you want to "choose" a product, and filtering by that
depends on how you choose it.
I cannot tell what the SumTotal column means. The raw data you
show appears to be in DD-MM-YYYY format (there's not month 17, so
that must be day). So, you only have one row showing for Month =
11. I don't see how you got 25 from that. Since I don't know what
SumTotal is meant to be, I cannot formulate a way to get it.
Perhaps you would explain or make corrections and I'll try again.
Change "YourTable" to the actual name of the table (or query) from
which this is to run.
I added sorting to show all results for each month together, then
by Product.
Tom Ellison
I have a table with three fields. Date, production and quantity
Now I want to make a query that is group by Month, Sum of a
specific product (pr month), and sum of total products (pr
month) - can I do that in one query with Dsum ?
Date Product Qry
11-11-2005 10 5
11-12-2005 11 10
17-12-2005 11 10
01-12-2005 10 5
01-12-2005 10 5
01-12-2005 11 10
I wan't to have one query that results in: (If I chooce product
Month SumofProduct SumTotal
11 5 25
12 10 20
Possible? - Thx for helping