dsum inquiry



=Nz(DSum("[Allocation_Amt]","qry_allocation_partner_equip","[Partner_ID] = "
& [Partner_ID] And "[InvoiceDate] Between #4/1/06# and #31/3/07#"),"$0.00 ")

I have the following statement in a text field of my report. It gives me
the sum of all partners. I only want the amount if the partner id matches
and the invoice is between specific dates.

Does it look like I've done some thing wrong?

Duane Hookom

Place the "AND" inside the quotes. As per a previous post, your expression
should be consistant with its return value. Choose either text or numeric.
For instance:

Nz(DSum("[Allocation_Amt]","qry_allocation_partner_equip","[Partner_ID] = "
& [Partner_ID] & " And [InvoiceDate] Between #4/1/06# and #31/3/07#"), 0) )

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