Tom Brown
I am trying to create a DSum value where 2 examples of the same criteria are
part of the function
=nz(DSum("Amount","tbl_NUS1","TaxType=""" & "rcls" & """ or TaxType= """ &
"wo" & """ PLPCTR=""" & "P220703" & """
and [PdYr] > #12/31/2005# and [PdYr] < #1/1/2007# "),0)
I am trying to have the DSum total the amount from tbl_NUS1 of both TaxType
"wo" and/or "rcls". I want a total if one
or both of them exist. When I enter one or the other by themselves I get the
correct amount, when I use both I either get an error
or an amount way off the actual total of the two. Please can someone tell
me the correct syntax.
Thanks for your help.
part of the function
=nz(DSum("Amount","tbl_NUS1","TaxType=""" & "rcls" & """ or TaxType= """ &
"wo" & """ PLPCTR=""" & "P220703" & """
and [PdYr] > #12/31/2005# and [PdYr] < #1/1/2007# "),0)
I am trying to have the DSum total the amount from tbl_NUS1 of both TaxType
"wo" and/or "rcls". I want a total if one
or both of them exist. When I enter one or the other by themselves I get the
correct amount, when I use both I either get an error
or an amount way off the actual total of the two. Please can someone tell
me the correct syntax.
Thanks for your help.