DSum multiple types of criteria


Tom Brown

I am trying to create a DSum value where 2 examples of the same criteria are
part of the function
=nz(DSum("Amount","tbl_NUS1","TaxType=""" & "rcls" & """ or TaxType= """ &
"wo" & """ PLPCTR=""" & "P220703" & """
and [PdYr] > #12/31/2005# and [PdYr] < #1/1/2007# "),0)

I am trying to have the DSum total the amount from tbl_NUS1 of both TaxType
"wo" and/or "rcls". I want a total if one
or both of them exist. When I enter one or the other by themselves I get the
correct amount, when I use both I either get an error
or an amount way off the actual total of the two. Please can someone tell
me the correct syntax.

Thanks for your help.


Duane Hookom

=nz(DSum("Amount","tbl_NUS1", "(TaxType='rcls' or TaxType= 'wo') AND
PLPCTR= 'P220703' and PdYr > #12/31/2005# and PdYr < #1/1/2007#"),0)

Tom Brown

Sorry, but I was just now able to try out your solution, and it worked

Duane Hookom said:
=nz(DSum("Amount","tbl_NUS1", "(TaxType='rcls' or TaxType= 'wo') AND
PLPCTR= 'P220703' and PdYr > #12/31/2005# and PdYr < #1/1/2007#"),0)

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Tom Brown said:
I am trying to create a DSum value where 2 examples of the same criteria
part of the function
=nz(DSum("Amount","tbl_NUS1","TaxType=""" & "rcls" & """ or TaxType= """ &
"wo" & """ PLPCTR=""" & "P220703" & """
and [PdYr] > #12/31/2005# and [PdYr] < #1/1/2007# "),0)

I am trying to have the DSum total the amount from tbl_NUS1 of both
"wo" and/or "rcls". I want a total if one
or both of them exist. When I enter one or the other by themselves I get
correct amount, when I use both I either get an error
or an amount way off the actual total of the two. Please can someone tell
me the correct syntax.

Thanks for your help.


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