I have
ProductID Qty UP
75 20 4.9
75 30 4.8
77 22 3.9
78 23 4.8
I can query the total quantity of order as below
OrdersOverALL: Nz(DSum("Qty","Orders"),0)
What is the correct syntax to do sum by productID. I cannot get answer from
expression below
OrdersOverALL: Nz(DSum("Qty","Orders","ProductID"=ProductID),0)
ProductID Qty UP
75 20 4.9
75 30 4.8
77 22 3.9
78 23 4.8
I can query the total quantity of order as below
OrdersOverALL: Nz(DSum("Qty","Orders"),0)
What is the correct syntax to do sum by productID. I cannot get answer from
expression below
OrdersOverALL: Nz(DSum("Qty","Orders","ProductID"=ProductID),0)