I have a report generated by the following: Users select
programs from a multiselect [programvalue] field. A
dynamic SQL statement is generated:
DoCmd.OpenForm "graphs for Monthly Travel Report
Summary", acNormal, "", "", , acHidden
'DoCmd.OpenReport "Allocation/Obligation/Expenditures
Summary", acPreview, "", ""
Dim varselected As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
For Each varselected In Me.programvalue.ItemsSelected
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & Me.programvalue.ItemData
(varselected) & "',"
Next varselected
If strSQL <> "" Then
strSQL = "[Program] IN (" & Left(strSQL, Len
(strSQL) - 0) & ")"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Allocation/Obligation/Expenditures
Summary", acPreview, , strSQL
Me.Visible = False
strSQL = ""
'end test
The report mostly contains fields with DOmain Aggregate
functions like the following:
=DLookUp("[Allocation]","Program","[Obligation] =
I would like to include a field at the top of the report
(or at the bottom) which sums all the allocation amounts
for the programs in the strSQL (query). How can I do
Thank sin advance,
I have a report generated by the following: Users select
programs from a multiselect [programvalue] field. A
dynamic SQL statement is generated:
DoCmd.OpenForm "graphs for Monthly Travel Report
Summary", acNormal, "", "", , acHidden
'DoCmd.OpenReport "Allocation/Obligation/Expenditures
Summary", acPreview, "", ""
Dim varselected As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
For Each varselected In Me.programvalue.ItemsSelected
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & Me.programvalue.ItemData
(varselected) & "',"
Next varselected
If strSQL <> "" Then
strSQL = "[Program] IN (" & Left(strSQL, Len
(strSQL) - 0) & ")"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Allocation/Obligation/Expenditures
Summary", acPreview, , strSQL
Me.Visible = False
strSQL = ""
'end test
The report mostly contains fields with DOmain Aggregate
functions like the following:
=DLookUp("[Allocation]","Program","[Obligation] =
I would like to include a field at the top of the report
(or at the bottom) which sums all the allocation amounts
for the programs in the strSQL (query). How can I do
Thank sin advance,