
In Excel Help under Database and List Management
Functions, there is an example for calculating the total
profit from apple trees, i.e., =DSUM
(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A2). Cell A1 contains Tree, A2 Apple,
A3 Pear, and A4:A10 the data. How do you calculate the
total profit from pear trees? In other words, how do I set
the criteria if the cells aren't adjacent? The Help
description of "criteria" reads "Criteria is the range
of cells that contains the conditions you specify. You can
use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
includes at least one column label and at least one cell
below the column label for specifying a condition for the
column." It doesn't say the label and the condition have
to be adjacent.

Later the Help article gives the following advice for
multiple conditions in a single column: "If you have two
or more conditions for a single column, type the criteria
directly below each other in separate rows. For example,
the following criteria range displays the rows that
contain either "Davolio," "Buchanan," or "Suyama" in the
Salesperson column." Again, there is no example for just
getting information on the Salesperson "Suyama."

Peo Sjoblom

You have to change the criteria content, the reason that apple is in A2 and
pear in A3 is that they use
an example with both fruits (DMAX). Put Pear in A2 and use the below formula
to get the total profits for pears (delete the >10 and <16 as well)


with Pears in A2...

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