Dual Vertical Y-Axis


John G.

I'm trying to produce a chart that will show the comparison between various
aspect of installment payments vs. lump sum dispersement (as a bar chart).
That's the easy part. I also want to show the % Diff on the same chart (as a
line chart). Naturally these have two different vertical scales and I need
to find a way to combine them onto one chart, i.e., dollars on the left
y-axis and % on the right y-axis.

Martin Fishlock

You can have two axii in excel.

Select the % series and plot on secondard axis. then modify as required.

It depends on what version you are using te exact method to use.

Bernard Liengme

Here is a message from the grammar police:
It is one "axis"
And two "axes"
But it is never "axii"

Best wishes

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