I have no memory I need to print a document on both sides but caN'T
SEEM TO REMEMBER the strategy. Can anyone help this old duffer
Dunno about the Epson, but a general strategy is to use the print
dialog (paper handling) to print even pages reversed, then after
loading 'em back in the bin with some kind of magic twist, print odd
pages normal. Even first is safer, because you do need to worry about
an odd number of pages.
That one works for a printer that outputs face down. The magic twist
allows for a bent paper path. On my printer the top printed edge comes
out facing toward me, so the stack gets rotated 180 on an axis normal
to the paper before it gets stuck back for the odds. It is even more
fun for landscape orientation, because you need to think about which is
the binding edge.
Label a couple of sheets in the input tray with pencilled arrows to
help sort it out. If you are as thick as me, you need something like
that to avoid standing on your head to think about it.