Dublicate Saves in Word


George K

Hi everyone,

Im using winXP and office XP. Does anyone know if there is the option for
saving a file in two different folders? Eg. I'm writing my dissertation
using Word and when i click Save at the end every day, then i d like it if
it were saved in two separate folders for safety. This would be instead of
copying the file to a second location manually! The reason is because you
may accidentally do something to the file, so then its not all gone... Pls
don't say about System restore or other windows gimmicks.

Thanks a lot


Herb Tyson [MVP]

There is nothing built into Word that would do that for you. You could write
a macro that, for example, writes the file to a second location when the
file is closed (by adding a few lines to the FileClose command).

Alternatively, you can enable Always create backup copy (Tools - Options -
Save). That won't save it in a different location, but it will preserve the
previous version with a different extension.

Another alternative would be to enable versions (choose File - Versions).

George K

Right, so how do i come about to learn how to make this Macro. I do know
programming but it's been a while since i last touched it. Any hints about
what commands i would need to use? Plus, how can i alter the FileClose?

Thanks again,

Herb Tyson [MVP]

The easiest way to "write" a macro is to record it (Tools - Macro - Record
new macro). What I would do... is record a Save, followed by saving to the
alternative location; followed by closing the file. I'd then take bits from
that macro and substitute them for whatever you see when you create a macro
named FileClose (Tools - Macro - Macros- set Macros In to the current
document; set Macro Name to FileClose; choose Create.

When you create a macro that has the same name as a Word command, Word uses
your macro instead of the command. In this case, since you'll be putting the
macro into the document itself, it'll only affect that document.)

You might end up with something like the following:

Sub FileClose()
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="D:\BackupLocation\testing.doc"
End Sub

In this case, you'd substitute your own location for my
"D:\BackupLocation\", and your own document name for "testing.doc".


Beth Melton

If you're only saving this important file at the end of the day then
you may find even your backup copy won't help you out.

You should save your documents frequently. As long as it remains open
Word will still allow you to Undo even after a save.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

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