Hi ther
You can use the built-in DateAdd function
Use following example: if you have a table with an "order number" field and an "order date" field (must be data type "Date/Time") in it, base a form on that table. Then add a bound control (the "Ab" in your toolbox) to the form. Go to the properties of that field, and go to the Data tab. Right click the control source field, and build an expression like this: =DateAdd("d",5,[DateOrd]
DateAdd is the built-in functio
"d" denotes the period ie days (you could use "m" for months etc
5 is the number of the previous period, in this case day
[DateOrd} is the name of the field in the table to which the 5 days must be added
Good luck !!
David Fo
----- Phil Jamieson wrote: ----
I am trying to calculate a future date based on 15 working days (m - f) from a date field, can anyone help