Due Dates at Different Intervals


Ron A.

Hi all,

I have an Access 2007 database that tracks employee training. I would
like the due dates to auto populate based on the frequency of the training. I
thought about the DateAdd, but how could I do this for several training
events due at different intervals?


Jeff Boyce

If you know when it happened before and how long until the next time, why do
you need to store a "due date"?

That sounds like something you could use a query to calculate "on the

(hint: storing a 'calculated value' like this is not a good design...)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer


How do you have your tables setup? Maybe like this --
Employee --
EmpID - Autonumber - primary key
LName - text
FName - text
MI - text
HireDate - DateTime
Depart - DateTime

Training --
CourseID - Autonumber - primary key
Title - text
Period - text (m- Monthly, q- Quarterly, yyyy- Yearly)
ReCur - Number - long integer
ReqdBy - text (OSHA 1910, HR Manual 5.8.3, Finance 4.23.1)

EmpTraining --
EmpID - number - long integer
CourseID - number - long integer
TngDue - DateTime
CompDate - DateTime
Pass - Yes/No

Employee.Depart Is Null AND EmpTraining.Max(CompDate) AND EmpTraining.Pass =

Next_Training_Required: DateAdd([Period], [ReCur], Max(CompDate))

You could append training due records following update of any due record
using the two fields TngDue and CompDate. Then run query with duedate
descending to show all next training.

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