duedate function



i want an function to find out the duedate of a student basing on his
public function duedate(grade as double , lastdate as date)
'but the gradation will be given in alphabets like "a',"b","c"
dim myvar as string
if myvar = "A" THEN grade = 3 'monitering date will be after 3 months from
lastmonitered darte
if myvar = "B" then grade = 2
if myvar = "c" then grade = 1
duedate = dateadd("m" , grade,lastdate)
end function
My problom is
(1) this function is returning false values like duedate(3,01/01/2000) is
30:03:1900 why ?
(2) i would like to include an string value insted of (grade as double ) in
my function b'couse users will enter grade in strings
how to setright it please

Rob Parker

Hi Balu,

First thing: the code you posted DOES NOT RUN - it generates an "end if
without block if' error. So I don't know why it returns a false value,
because I don't know what your code really is.

Assuming that your code does not contain the endif statement (which itself
is wrong - you can type it into the VBA editor, where it will be immediately
corrected to End If) which is the source of this error, then the reason you
get 30/03/1900 is because, if you call your function as you show, you are
actually giving it a datetime value of 1 divided by 1 divided by 2000. This
number (0.0005) represents 12:00:43 AM on 30 December 1899; adding 3 months
to it gives (quite correctly) 30/03/1900 12:00:43 AM.

If you want to pass a date string to the function (rather than a variable
which has a DateTime datatype, you must delimit it with # characters. If
you do so, then:
duedate (3, #01/01/2000#) will return 01/04/2000 (in my system default
date format of dd/mm/yyyy) or 04/01/2000 (if your system default date format
if mm/dd/yyyy).

You can easily pass a string to your function (and that seems to be what
your internal If statements are designed to convert). Try the following:

Public Function DueDate(myvar As String, lastdate As Date) As Date
Dim grade As Double

If myvar = "A" Then grade = 3
If myvar = "B" Then grade = 2
If myvar = "C" Then grade = 1
DueDate = DateAdd("m", grade, lastdate)
End Function

This will return DueDate equal to lastdate if the string variable is not A,
B or C.

You can test this in immediate mode by entering something like:
DueDate ("A", #22/04/2007#), which will return 22/07/2007

You should really add some error trapping to any routine you write. This
will fail if either of the inputs are the wrong datatype.



Jamie Collins

duedate (3, #01/01/2000#) will return 01/04/2000 (in my system default date format of dd/mm/yyyy) or 04/01/2000 (if your system default date format
if mm/dd/yyyy).

I don't think "your system default date format" makes any difference
for DATETIME values delimited by # characters in either VBA or SQL

SELECT DATEPART('D', #04/01/2000#)

will always return 1.

The best approach IMO is to use a representation as close to ISO 4217
format as Access/Jet allows (this is after all an international group)
and always include an explicit time value (because Access/Jet has but
one temporal data type named DATETIME) e.g. can there be any
reasonable any doubt as to what this will return:

SELECT DATEPART('D', #2000-04-01 00:00:00#)

Note that saving a query in *Access* may change the format to default
U. S. of A. format, as does VBA, again regardless of "system default
date format".



Jamie Collins

public function duedate(grade as double , lastdate asdate)
'but the gradation will be given in alphabets like "a',"b","c"
dim myvar as string
if myvar = "A" THEN grade = 3 'moniteringdatewill be after 3 months from
lastmonitered darte
if myvar = "B" then grade = 2
if myvar = "c" then grade = 1
duedate = dateadd("m" , grade,lastdate)
end function

Suggestion: a data driven approach: create a lookup table
(grade_letter, interval_months) then use the table in a query e.g.

SELECT S1.student_number, DateAdd('m', T1.interval_months,
S1.lastdate) AS due_date
FROM Students AS S1
INNER JOIN GradeIntervals AS T1
ON S1.grade = T1.grade;

This makes maintenance easier IMO e.g. amend intervals, add grades,
not reliant on Access nor your front end etc.



Rob Parker

Hi Jamie,

For the function in question (which is essentially just a dateadd function
in a (not very efficient) wrapper), it does make a difference. Try it. In
the immediate window, enter:
? dateadd("m",3,#1/1/2007#)

If your system setting is US dates (MM/dd/yyyy or similar), this will return
04/01/2007; if your system setting is non-US (dd/MM/yyyy or similar), this
will return 01/04/2007. Do it once, then change the setting via Control
Panel - Regional Settings, and do it again. Then set it back to your normal
default, before you get very confused ;-)

Another interesting point from this is that, if you are viewing a datetime
field in a datasheet (table or query), or in a bound control, where the
field is formatted with a different setting than the system default, the
date will appear to swap day and month when a datasheet cell or bound
control gains focus. Can be very disconcerting.

I'm certainly not implying that the underlying data value is different, or
that the value returned by a datepart function will differ; I'm merely
stating that what you see is different - and may cause confusion.

And another thing: When I enter the expression you posted
SELECT DATEPART('D', #04/01/2000#)
in the SQL view of a new query, it returns 1 (as you say); if I then switch
to design view in the query (on my system, with default date format of
dd-MM-yyyy), it shows (cut and paste direct from query grid):
Expr1: DatePart('d',#01-04-2000#)
Here, in *Access*, the expression is changed to the system default, NOT to
the US default.


Jamie Collins

Rob Parker said:
For the function in question (which is essentially just a dateadd function
in a (not very efficient) wrapper), it does make a difference. Try it.

I can take you word for it <g>. Sound like we talking cross purposes, sorry
for the distraction.



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