Dues Query



I have a employee database. In the database, union members are a subset of
employees, as such their "member status" is "member" or "member-LOA" while
non union members are identified as "non-member" or "retired". Periodically
the membership dues change for all members; non-members are not affected.
When dues change all members need to have the field updated. I do not want to
get involved when the dues change so I want to create a query so the database
manager answers a prompt (new dues amount) when they select an action button
from the menu (Update Dues). There are no issues with archiving the previous
field data so just a mass update. How can I set this up?



There is an easier way.
Create a Dues_Table and left join employee table to it on "member status".
Dues_Table --
Member_Status - Text
Dues - Number - Single
Effect_Date DateTime
Archive - Yes/No

Use criteria in the query on the Archive field.


If all members dues are the same amount, then that amount should not be in
the employee table.
If you have multiple unions or different member types for one union, same
thing. They should not be in the employee table.
You should have a Dues table that identifies the Union and/or Member Type
and the dues amount should be in that table.

Then all you have to do is change it in one place.

The dues should then be calculated using that table.

But, to answer your direct question, all you need is an update query
filtered on th member status you want to change the dues for.

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