duplicate a label on same page in mail merge


Peter Jamieson

Do you mean that you have, for example,

page 1 with 6 labels with text "A"

page 2 with 6 labels with text "B"

page 3 with 6 labels with text "C"

and nothing else?
If so, create the mail merge main document label layout in the usual way,
and set up whatever fields you need in label one, then eithe copy the
contents of label 1 to the other labels, or use propagate labels, then
remove the <<Next record>> fields ({ NEXT } fields) from all the labels.

If not, can you tell us more precisely what the label layout is and what you
want on each page?

Peter Jamieson


Thank you for your help . What I need to do take a excel document with 250
clients i need to make lables for using mail merge, I would need the lable
duplicated 6 times on the same page for all 250 clients.

Peter Jamieson

Then as long as you have 6 labels per sheet, the suggestion I made should be

If you have (say) 18 labels per sheet, then you would need to leave the
<<Next record>> field on the 7th and 13th labels.

If you don't have a multiple of 6 labels per sheet, let us know.

Peter Jamieson

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