Duplicate data in append query



I have a daily append in which I only want current days
data, if I accidently pull the wrong days info how do I
stop this from being added to the database, some sort of
validation rule?

Tom Ellison

Dear Punt:

Instead of entering the date, you could default it to today and not enter
it. I'm thinking perhaps you mean using the system date, which would be
Today(). Then you won't need to enter it at all. If you do not allow the
user to edit the control, or if you don't show it, then it cannot be


Hi Tom

Thanks. What if I still want some kind of user control to
cover missed days of data imports so on a Monday I need to
append Sat/Sun records but on Tuesday I only want the user
to append Monday records, the user chooses the wrong date
and does Sat/Sun/Mon all together on Tues by mistake. I
need to stop Sat/Sun from being added again, having to go
into the table and delete records. Thanks again...

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