duplicate drawn objects


C Monaghan

I have a large file (130 pages) which is object intensive; many embedded JPG
and GIF. I also use the drawn rectangle objects as a means of writing
instructions (usnig the Add Text option). In the last two days of editing,
some drawn objects duplicate. Normally, I would just delete the unnecessary
second object but I cannot. Deleting one deletes both objects. Very
strange. When I say it is a duplicate this is not entirely new. This only
happens when the drawn object has text inside. Also the duplicate item does
not necessarily share the same object properties (original will have a border
but the duplicate will not). The duplicate is also not necessarily on the
same page. Often, the original is on page 35 and the duplicate will appear
on page 90. As well, sometimes two separate objects will duplicate in the
same erroneous text box. I will write the word "Bob" in text box 1. I will
type "Cindy" in text box two. Both words will appear in a single cuplicate
text box. There is absolutely no custom VB in this document and I have not
used any macros. I have only used the built-in properties of the objects.

On the advice of the Word MPV website, I've deleted and re-entering the odd
Section Break and this has helped in some areas, but in others, the problem
persists and I cannot track down what is corrupting the document. HELP! I
am perfectly willing to send a copy of the document should anyone wish to
help. I cannot scrap the document and begin anew since I have been working
on this for 2 months. Is there a maximum number of floating objects that
Word can handle in a single document? If so, what is that number?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QyBNb25hZ2hhbg==?=,
I have a large file (130 pages) which is object intensive; many embedded JPG
and GIF. I also use the drawn rectangle objects as a means of writing
instructions (usnig the Add Text option). In the last two days of editing,
some drawn objects duplicate. Normally, I would just delete the unnecessary
second object but I cannot. Deleting one deletes both objects. Very
strange. When I say it is a duplicate this is not entirely new. This only
happens when the drawn object has text inside. Also the duplicate item does
not necessarily share the same object properties (original will have a border
but the duplicate will not). The duplicate is also not necessarily on the
same page. Often, the original is on page 35 and the duplicate will appear
on page 90. As well, sometimes two separate objects will duplicate in the
same erroneous text box. I will write the word "Bob" in text box 1. I will
type "Cindy" in text box two. Both words will appear in a single cuplicate
text box.
This has tended to be a problem in the two most recent versions of Word, and
especially tends to crop up if "text boxes" have been copied and pasted. The
internal tables that manage the text in the drawing objects is damaged, and
there isn't any way you can simply go in and fix it.

If you tell us the version of Word involved, we can give you some suggestions on
how you can try to recover the document...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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