Duplicate e-mails



Just started using outlook, I continue to receive already seen e-mails every
time I send and receive, despite deleting them.
I think it is something to do with the data storage but don't know how to
fix it.
Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Tillman

Max said:
Just started using outlook, I continue to receive already seen
e-mails every time I send and receive, despite deleting them.

What version of Outlook, what patches have been applied, and do you have
"Leave a copy of messages on the server" enabled?


Thanks for replying.
I have Outlook version 11.0
SP2 installed.
Leave copy on server is ticked on some e-mail accounts because other people
from our office need to see the same e-mails.
My private accounts that are not ticked to leave on server do not have a
problem with duplicates.

Brian Tillman

Max said:
I have Outlook version 11.0
SP2 installed.
Leave copy on server is ticked on some e-mail accounts because other
people from our office need to see the same e-mails.

Office 2003 SP2 is supposed to contain a fix that deals with this specific
problem. The article describing it is
http://support.microsoft.com/?id=885870 . Since you still seem affected,
I'm at a loss to suggest anything other than creating a new mail profile.


I have finally fixed it, I unticked leave on server on all the accounts did
a send and receive. Then re-ticked leave on server for the 'office' accounts,
did another send and receive and hey presto no duplicates!

Brian Tillman

Max said:
I have finally fixed it, I unticked leave on server on all the
accounts did a send and receive.

Oh, yea. That's mentioned in the article, isn't it?


Managed to fix it myself before I got your link to the article, have now
looked at the article and yes you are quite right.
Have a nice Christmas !!


By unticking it and doing a send/receive, it looks like you
successfully removed all of the old messages from the server. When you
re-ticked it and pressed send/receive, since there were no emails left
on the server, you didn't get any duplicates.

Question is, what happens when a new email arrives, which will not be
removed from the server (since you've re-ticked the box). Since this
will not be removed from the server, will you get a duplicate in
Outlook next time you send/receive again? I'd be interested to hear
back from you to see if the problem really has gone away.

Another possible problem with unticking and doing a send/receive is
that unless your colleagues did a send/receive on their PCs just
before you unticked and did a send/receive, they might have missed out
on some emails.


I have been thinking about it today at work, and I think you may be correct.
I will find out at home tonight. (I did check what e-mails were on the
server prior to doing a send/receive so that colleagues wouldn't miss any
I have exactly the same software on my pc at work, all the same boxes ticked
but only have this problem at home?
Home pc worked for three hours last night after that change without any
duplicates.....I'll post the result.


You were quite right the duplicates kept coming.
However having dowloaded all the e-mails yesterday with leave on server
unticked it became clear this evening that duplicates were coming from only
one of my colleagues accounts.
After checking that he had seen all the e-mails I did a quick send and
receive with leave on server unticked.
I then removed his account from my send and receive list, re-installed it,
sent him a test e-mail to see if that would be duplicated and pleased to say
it wasn't...problem solved.
I checked all his original settings with other accounts that I download and
could not find anything different, it seems that having removed and
reinstalled his account that is the end of it......watch this space.......


I have Outlook 2002 version 10.2627.2625 and SP2.

I have the same problem as Max but it is very recent. I did change my
profile recently but initially there was no duplication of the POP account
e-mails. There now is.

Should the same fix you referred to have worked?


I seem to have this same problem, However, my "leave on server" is unticked.
Since the issue is with a distribution list, do you think that I should ask
other people in the distribution list to check theirs?

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