I've browsed a few messages regarding this topic, but there doesn't
seem to be anything written that is more current than 2004. I recently
sent an email to a distribution list of about 10,000 people, and people
from one company in particular seem to have gotten up to 8 duplicate
emails from me (which was very, very inconvenient since it was an email
marketing flyer and now they're crying "spam"). I checked and
re-checked the distribution list; no email address dupes. Has this
issue been solved?
Lauren Keyes
(e-mail address removed)
seem to be anything written that is more current than 2004. I recently
sent an email to a distribution list of about 10,000 people, and people
from one company in particular seem to have gotten up to 8 duplicate
emails from me (which was very, very inconvenient since it was an email
marketing flyer and now they're crying "spam"). I checked and
re-checked the distribution list; no email address dupes. Has this
issue been solved?
Lauren Keyes
(e-mail address removed)