Duplicate entries help and tips


Diane Ross

The following was posted on TidBITS talk regarding duplicate entries. Even
though it is not directed towards Entourage, the general concepts apply. All
syncing is done through the "Truth."


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------ Forwarded Message
From: Charles Maurer <[email protected]>
Reply-To: TidBITS Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 10:08:26 -0700
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: devices not syncing calendar (etc) data reliably, any ideas?

Apple identified the problem--sort of. Turns out that Apple's syncing code
had created some duplicate entries and had become confused by them. Removing
them solved the problem, at least for now. Apple recommended checking for
duplicates "periodically." Card menu > Look for Duplicate Entries.

Apple also added this boilerplate:

Below are some guidelines for maintaining a "healthy" Address Book and
providing the best Address Book performance among a variety of applications,
such as .Mac Sync, iSync, iTunes, iChat, and Mail for Mac OS X.

1. Removing duplicate entries is especially important, as duplicate records
can cause issues with Address Book. Consolidate duplicates as described in
the following article:

Address Book 4.0 Help: Combining duplicate cards and information

2. Make sure you have a "Me" card. The "Me" card should be the same card on
all computers you choose to sync. For more information about defining your
"Me" card, please see the following article:

Address Book 4.0 Help: Setting up your contact information

If you select your card and see that the Make This My Card option in the
Card menu is grayed out, it means that you've already chosen that card as
your "Me" card.

3. Edit the cards so that information appears in the proper fields, such as
making sure the personal phone number is in the home phone field and the
business phone number is in the work phone field.

By managing your Address Book correctly and keeping the data up to date,
you'll benefit not only Address Book but also other applications that use
Address Book data, such as .Mac Sync and iChat, which detects AIM addresses
in the chat field. Keep in mind that the .Mac Address Book online at
<http://addressbook.mac.com> will not display the data you have in your
Notes field, and will display data only in the following fields:

- One home phone number - One work phone number - One mobile phone number -
One home email address - One work email address - One home address - One
work address

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