Duplicate Entries on a Report

  • Thread starter dwaynesworld013
  • Start date


I have created a report where the courses taught are listed for a particular
timeframe. Included in this report are the following fields:
CourseName, TotalParticipants and TotalCourseHours (calculated field)

The problem that I am having is that I would like to avoid listing a class
twice if the course was taught more than once in the month. BUT, I would
like to have the total participants and total course hours calculated for the
total number of courses taught for that period. Here is what I have now:

Course Name Total Participants Total
Course Hours
Course 1 10
Course 1 5
Course 2 5

This is what I would like for the report to look like:

Course Name Total Participants Total
Course Hours
Course 1 15
Course 2 5

Can anyone help me? Thanks

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