Duplicate Fill-In Field Contents



Using W02. Have used fillin fields. Newsgroups have been
WONDERFUL for me in Access and I've learned bunches.

Have tried this a few times over the years and always had
to give up - I have an amendment form (.dot) with a dozen
or so fillin fields that I complete upon opening with
File, New. My dilema: I need to print 2 copies of that 1
form and the only difference is to print at the bottom of
one page: "This form is to be signed and returned" and the
second should print this at the bottom: "This form is to
be kept with the contract".

I have read and reread bookmarks and references but cannot
get it to work. I have duplicated my form and I have
identified my fields on page 1 as bookmarks and tried to
insert references on page 2, but to no avail. I know it's
something simple. I don't want to retype each fillin field

Any advice or help would be appreciated VERY MUCH!!!

Charles Kenyon


You have a large selection of options:

Bookmarks with REF fields should work but the REF field has to be updated
when the reference changes, this doesn't happen automatically. You could
select the second copy (which contains REF but not FILLIN fields) and press
the F9 key to update the fields.

You could use ASK fields instead of FILLIN fields. You put the information
obtained using an ASK field into your document using a REF field, which can
be put in multiple times.

You could create a macro to print your document twice, once each time with
the requisite stamp on it.

You could convert this to an On-line form and skip the FILLIN or ASK fields
altogether. Instead, you simply type the information into the document where
it belongs (in Copy1). If your Form fields have the "Calculate on exit"
property checked, REF fields in Copy2 will update automatically when the
user tabs out of the field. The only place you can normally type in such a
document is in the FormFields. See <URL:

Or, you may want to explore a UserForm where you get all of the information
at once and put it into your document where you want it. (See the page on
how to create a userform on the MVP FAQ for more on this.
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Userforms/CreateAUserForm.htm) UserForms are much
more flexible, but for the vba neophyte can be intimidating.


Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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