Hi Tim:
A cross-reference is a reference to a bookmark that is re-generated when a
document is created from a template.
For what purpose are you using the template? Why would a document not work?
You can use Fields for your purpose. Unfortunately, the Mac Word help on
fields is appalling!! Worse than useless.
You will find the Word 2003 help on Fields here:
Charles Kenyon has been trying to assemble the available resources here:
1) Create a Custom Document Property (Word>File>Properties>Custom...)
2) Place your name in the property
3) Insert a DOCUMENTPROPERTY field wherever you want the name to appear
(Insert>Field>Document Information>DocumentProperty....)
If you want to be really clever, TYPE your name somewhere in the document
and bookmark it. Then set your Custom Document Property to be linked to the
bookmark in the text. Don't use this method with unskilled users: they
trash the bookmark with their clumsy editing, and after that, you get
strange results
John. The only way I can get cross-references to work is when the
document is not a template. Also this does not seem to work with
headers. This is in Word 2004.
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:
[email protected]