Duplicate notebooks


Susan M.

Somehow I have 2 copies of my Personal Notebook now appearing. One has a
little icon at the bottom of the notebook icon with a little circle with 2
circular arrows in it and a check mark to the right of this. This one is
stored in \\susan-pc\susan's files\onenote notebooks\personal notebook. The
other one is stored in c:\users\susan\documents\onenote notebooks\personal
notebook. They each seem to have the same items in them but which notebook is
the "real" one. I'm not sure which one to delete.

Rainald Taesler

Susan said:
Somehow I have 2 copies of my Personal Notebook now appearing. One
has a little icon at the bottom of the notebook icon with a little
circle with 2 circular arrows in it and a check mark to the right
of this. This one is stored in \\susan-pc\susan's files\onenote
notebooks\personal notebook. The other one is stored in
c:\users\susan\documents\onenote notebooks\personal notebook. They
each seem to have the same items in them but which notebook is the
"real" one. I'm not sure which one to delete.

Obviously you opened the same notebook *twice*, once from your
network-share and once directly from the location where the notebook are
physically stored.
Therefore check, which directory the share \\susan-pc\susan's
files\onenote is standing for.

If it's the same location, do nit delete anything. Just close the
notebook opened directly. i.e. the one without the synchronization

P.S. Whoever created the "share", IMO it's not a good idea to use a name
with a blank and a " ' "

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