Benjamin Dover
I am using Outlook 2003 for email. In Outlook I have a folder at the root
called "Personal Folders" inside of which is my Inbox, Deleted Items ...
etc. I have another folder off the root just below this called "Personal
Folders" (exact same name), which is an absolute exact duplication of my
primary Personal Folders. Everything that is in my Personal Folder is
repeated in this second version. It's almost like a window into the first
PF folder. If I receive a new email to my inbox -- it appears in both
Inboxes within both Personal Folders. If I change the name of a sub-folder
in my main PF -- it is immediately changed in this second one.
Here's how this looks:
[-] Personal Folders (<-- the first one in the list)
Deleted Items
... etc.
[-] Personal Folders (<-- the second one in the list)
Deleted Items
... etc.
I checked the properties on both and they are indeed idendical -- obviously
they both point to my main Outlook.pst file on my hard drive.
I am afraid that if I delete this second copy of the PF folder that it will
delete all of my emails and mail boxes from the first PF folder. Does
anyone know why the PF folder has been duplicated in Outlook? Is there a
safe way to get rid of it?
Kevin M.
called "Personal Folders" inside of which is my Inbox, Deleted Items ...
etc. I have another folder off the root just below this called "Personal
Folders" (exact same name), which is an absolute exact duplication of my
primary Personal Folders. Everything that is in my Personal Folder is
repeated in this second version. It's almost like a window into the first
PF folder. If I receive a new email to my inbox -- it appears in both
Inboxes within both Personal Folders. If I change the name of a sub-folder
in my main PF -- it is immediately changed in this second one.
Here's how this looks:
[-] Personal Folders (<-- the first one in the list)
Deleted Items
... etc.
[-] Personal Folders (<-- the second one in the list)
Deleted Items
... etc.
I checked the properties on both and they are indeed idendical -- obviously
they both point to my main Outlook.pst file on my hard drive.
I am afraid that if I delete this second copy of the PF folder that it will
delete all of my emails and mail boxes from the first PF folder. Does
anyone know why the PF folder has been duplicated in Outlook? Is there a
safe way to get rid of it?
Kevin M.