Duplicate Personal Folders




In my Outlook Folder frame I have two sets of Personal Folders - the second
set being an exact duplicate of the first set.

If I perform any operation on a folder in one set then that operation is
repeated on the same folder in the second set.
Is there any way of returning to just the one set of Personal Folders?


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Your profile is corrupt. Create a new one.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Nige asked:

| Hi
| In my Outlook Folder frame I have two sets of Personal Folders - the
| second set being an exact duplicate of the first set.
| If I perform any operation on a folder in one set then that operation
| is repeated on the same folder in the second set.
| .
| Is there any way of returning to just the one set of Personal Folders?
| Thanks
| N


Exactly where is this button 'Repair Profiles'?

(e-mail address removed)
Christian Goeller said:
Nige, you wrote on Tue, 30 May 2006 08:46:02 +0100:
In my Outlook Folder frame I have two sets of Personal Folders - the
set being an exact duplicate of the first set.

Before creating a new profile try to fix your old one with [1]. Download
the file, close Outlook and start it. Click the button "Profile
reparieren" (that means "Repair profiles") and select your profile from
the pull-down-menu. All corrupt entries in your profile will be grey
highlighted automatically. Then click "Loeschen" (Delete). That's all.
Now restart Outlook and see if the ghost personal folder has gone. If
not - I am sure it has gone :) - you need to create a new profile.

[1] http://www.olfolders.com/Lang/German/OLfix/index.htm

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