I have a new database that I have set up and it is comparing similar data for
two different semesters. It has a junction table between that two tables
that has referential integrity enforced twice. When running a query, if it
does not have exactly matching records in each table, it duplicates records.
If I run a report and does not have matching records, it truncates the record
that does not have a "buddy". Have any ideas how I can get this to work
properly? I need to show all the data so that I can compare semester to
two different semesters. It has a junction table between that two tables
that has referential integrity enforced twice. When running a query, if it
does not have exactly matching records in each table, it duplicates records.
If I run a report and does not have matching records, it truncates the record
that does not have a "buddy". Have any ideas how I can get this to work
properly? I need to show all the data so that I can compare semester to