Duplicate sub form last record



Hi all i have a sub form with a numeric field what i am hoping for is when
someone opens the main form and navigates to a new record in a sub form is it
possible to lookup last record and duplicate the field.

The sub form is to record the amount of fuel used, the cost and date. It
also holds the start mileage and end mileage. I would like the finish mileage
to be entered automatically as the start mileage on a new record entry. Many
Thanks to all who help others

Stefan Hoffmann

The sub form is to record the amount of fuel used, the cost and date. It
also holds the start mileage and end mileage. I would like the finish mileage
to be entered automatically as the start mileage on a new record entry. Many
Use the forms Before Insert event with the appropriate field names:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)

If IsNull(Me![finishMileage]) Then
Me![finishMileage] = Me![startMileage]
End If

End Sub

--> stefan <--

Dale Fye

Set the StartMileage textboxes control source to:

=NZ(DMAX("End_Mileage", "YourTable"), 0)

My guess is that your main form will have a vehicle ID or something like
that. If that is the case, they you will have to modify this to something

=NZ(DMAX("End_Mileage", "YourTable", "VehicleID = " & me.parent.VehicleID), 0)

Which will find the maximum value for "End Mileage" for the particular
vehicle that is displayed in the main form.


Hi there Dale, I don't need the max finish mileage just the last entry of
finish mileage to be entered automatically into new record start mileage.
Thanx for helping me!!


Hi Stephan, I tried this but nothing happens. Can you suggest anything else.
Cheers for your help

Stefan Hoffmann said:
The sub form is to record the amount of fuel used, the cost and date. It
also holds the start mileage and end mileage. I would like the finish mileage
to be entered automatically as the start mileage on a new record entry. Many
Use the forms Before Insert event with the appropriate field names:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)

If IsNull(Me![finishMileage]) Then
Me![finishMileage] = Me![startMileage]
End If

End Sub

--> stefan <--


Hi there Dale, I do have a relationship set up by [RegNo] between Parent &
Sub, though i don't need DMax just value of last record to duplicate
automatically. Any ideas many thanks



TinMan said:
Hi there Dale, I don't need the max finish mileage just the last entry of
finish mileage to be entered automatically into new record start mileage. Have Used

=NZ("End_Mileage", "FuelUseage", "Reg = " & Me.[Vehicle Details].Reg), 0)

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