Duplicate textbox entry


Rick Sanderson

I have amongst others, 2 textboxes which will normally contain the same
data, Rlens and Llens.
As i enter data into Rlens i would like Llens to display the same, at least
until i tab into it and change it if i wish.


Dave Peterson

This'll overwrite anything in the second textbox with what you're typing in the

Option Explicit
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Me.TextBox2.Value = Me.TextBox1.Value
End Sub

Rick Sanderson

Thanks Dave.
My project is all but finished now after spending all weekend hunched over
the keyboard.
You've been an invaluable help.

Dave Peterson wrote:
|| This'll overwrite anything in the second textbox with what you're
|| typing in the first.
|| Option Explicit
|| Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
|| Me.TextBox2.Value = Me.TextBox1.Value
|| End Sub
|| Rick Sanderson wrote:
||| I have amongst others, 2 textboxes which will normally contain the
||| same data, Rlens and Llens.
||| As i enter data into Rlens i would like Llens to display the same,
||| at least until i tab into it and change it if i wish.
||| Regards
||| Rick
|| --
|| Dave Peterson
|| (e-mail address removed)

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