Duplicate Triplicate Enteries Entourage



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange


I have a user who has , at the moment, following setup

1:- Entourage 2008 12.1.9
2:- Iphone 3.0
3:- MAC OSX 10.5.7

His calender is managed by his assistant , she has following setup

1:- Outlook 2007
2:- Windows Vista

our company has following Exchange setup

Exchange 2003 SP2 ( i am not sure about Sp though)

Here is the problem

couple of weeks ago he updated his Entourage to SP2.
His assistant started to see duplicate and triplicate entries in his calender
for a lot of entries till i took his system and reinstalled the Entourage . I changed the updates to manual.

Now it is not syncing.

So there are two problems

1:- Duplicate entries happened after update to SP2
2:- Calender Sync Issue.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Corentin Cras-Méneur

couple of weeks ago he updated his Entourage to SP2. His assistant
started to see duplicate and triplicate entries in his calender for a
lot of entries till i took his system and reinstalled the Entourage . I
changed the updates to manual.

Well are SyncServices enabled?? There has been numerous issues with
recurring claendars duplicating like crazy in the past.

First, make sure everything is up to date (Office 12.2.1 and MacOS X



There are no sync services available
I have tried to clear cache but still the same, duplicates in the Exchange side are there though they are not visible in the Entourage side.
I have tried to clear the cache but update takes a long time and fails.
Does this has any thing to do with the SP2 update and iphone 3.0 update? This all started after these updates.

350 + duplicate messages were created in 3 hours. This was the time when user updates the office 2008 SP2 It seems as whenever entourage tried to sync with the Exchange it could not recognize the calender event and thinking that exchange calender is out of sync tried to create new events resulting in duplicates.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

There are no sync services available I have tried to clear cache but
still the same, duplicates in the Exchange side are there though they
are not visible in the Entourage side.

It could be a bug on the server then :-\
I have tried to clear the cache
but update takes a long time and fails. Does this has any thing to do
with the SP2 update and iphone 3.0 update? This all started after these

I haven't read anything about these issues with SP2.
It could be an issue with the iPhone though (since you don;t see the
duplicates in Entourage).
350 + duplicate messages were created in 3 hours. This was the time when
user updates the office 2008 SP2 It seems as whenever entourage tried to
sync with the Exchange it could not recognize the calender event and
thinking that exchange calender is out of sync tried to create new
events resulting in duplicates.

You might have a corrupted event creating that mess.
Can you try deleting all occurences of the event that's duplicating on
the server?? Don't leave any as one corrupted one might be enough for
this mess,


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