A new software program insisted I change my desktop resolution to a higher
setting than I've used for years. I did so, which in turn gives me a broader
desktop coverage than before and causes the desktop icons [naturally] to be
smaller. Also, my MS Excel spreadsheets took on a new look following this
I'm using Windows XP and using Office XP Standard, Version 2002.
I doubt anything actually changed in my Excel spreadsheet except for the
fact that I now see more on each sheet than I choose to see following the
increase in desktop resolution ... but I would like to know how to remove the
duplicate spreadsheet hovering in the background behind my primary
spreadsheet. My bottom spreadsheet's taskbar indicates the presence of two
spreadsheets - one hidden partially behind the other. The duplicate
spreadsheet appears to the extreme right hand side of my screen with only a
few columns in view. Any work done on the primary spreadsheet automatically
transfers to the hidden spreadsheet.
I understand this is probably something I caused in years past but never
became aware of the second (hidden) spreadsheet due to the lower desktop
resolution setting.
How do I make this duplicate spreadsheet go away? Thanks.
setting than I've used for years. I did so, which in turn gives me a broader
desktop coverage than before and causes the desktop icons [naturally] to be
smaller. Also, my MS Excel spreadsheets took on a new look following this
I'm using Windows XP and using Office XP Standard, Version 2002.
I doubt anything actually changed in my Excel spreadsheet except for the
fact that I now see more on each sheet than I choose to see following the
increase in desktop resolution ... but I would like to know how to remove the
duplicate spreadsheet hovering in the background behind my primary
spreadsheet. My bottom spreadsheet's taskbar indicates the presence of two
spreadsheets - one hidden partially behind the other. The duplicate
spreadsheet appears to the extreme right hand side of my screen with only a
few columns in view. Any work done on the primary spreadsheet automatically
transfers to the hidden spreadsheet.
I understand this is probably something I caused in years past but never
became aware of the second (hidden) spreadsheet due to the lower desktop
resolution setting.
How do I make this duplicate spreadsheet go away? Thanks.