"duplicates" of primary sort are deleted!


Alternate Royality

Using a database query of neighborhood residents' names, addresses etc to
create a n address and telephone directory......
Query works, lists all pertinent data, BUT
Report based on query deletes the second family that happens to share the
same surname! We have 3 or 4 pairs of unrelated families having the same
surname, and in each case, the second family's names are deleted, but
details preserved.

No filters are on that I could tell. Nothing specified in "OpenOn."
Report is told to sort ascending for surname, then first name.

Where is my data???

Rick Brandt

Alternate said:
Using a database query of neighborhood residents' names, addresses
etc to create a n address and telephone directory......
Query works, lists all pertinent data, BUT
Report based on query deletes the second family that happens to
share the same surname! We have 3 or 4 pairs of unrelated families
having the same surname, and in each case, the second family's
names are deleted, but details preserved.

No filters are on that I could tell. Nothing specified in "OpenOn."
Report is told to sort ascending for surname, then first name.

Where is my data???

Check the "HideDuplicates" property of that TextBox on the report.

Alternate Royality

OK. "Hide Duplicates" is 0. Hmmmm. But it IS hiding the duplicates.

Hey, btw i loved the Rick Brandt series. Almost more than Tom Corbett.

Alternate Royality

HideDuplicates is zero or NO. Tried playing with this option by changing it
back and forth from no to yes, with no effect. "Duplicate" surnames are
always deleted, but the details are not. Could it be that in the software
the deault values are set to "yes" no matter what i change?
Is there another explanation for the missing data?

Rick Brandt

Alternate said:
HideDuplicates is zero or NO. Tried playing with this option by
changing it back and forth from no to yes, with no effect.
"Duplicate" surnames are always deleted, but the details are not.
Could it be that in the software the deault values are set to "yes"
no matter what i change?
Is there another explanation for the missing data?

Is your query or report grouping on that field?

Alternate Royality

Yes, the report is designed to pull the surname first from a list generated
by a query.
The query actually pulls from the main database on a field denoting "type"of
resident, owners & renters. The datasheet from the query is OK, nothing
The report output is what is bad. First field is surname, no filters, no

Rick Brandt

Alternate said:
Yes, the report is designed to pull the surname first from a list
generated by a query.
The query actually pulls from the main database on a field denoting
"type"of resident, owners & renters. The datasheet from the query
is OK, nothing missing.
The report output is what is bad. First field is surname, no
filters, no on HideDuplicates. It is the primary grouping, sorted
in ascending order. Secondary sort on FirstName.

But...in the Sorting and Grouping you say you have Surname listed first. Are
you only "sorting" on it, or are you also using the options to display group
header/footers? Anything you put into those header/footers will only display
once per unique Surname value.

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