Duplicates of sections by date??



I'm noticing duplicates of my sections showing up with "SectionName (On
6-26-2005)". Can someone explain this to me?

Not only is it cluttering up my section titles, it's also a bit scary to
wonder if an edit I make to a section is to the "right" section. What if I
edit the "On 6-23-2005" section but end up looking in the "On 6-26-2005"
section and don't see the edit. Or worse, I make another edit, and write
over an older version.

This is confusing to me.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I'm noticing duplicates of my sections showing up with "SectionName (On
6-26-2005)". Can someone explain this to me?

Not only is it cluttering up my section titles, it's also a bit scary to
wonder if an edit I make to a section is to the "right" section. What
if I
edit the "On 6-23-2005" section but end up looking in the "On 6-26-2005"
section and don't see the edit. Or worse, I make another edit, and write
over an older version.

This is confusing to me.

I believe those are backups. Did you open your Backup OneNote files for
some reason?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


Hrmm. No, but I moved my backup folder. Perhaps I moved it into the same
folder or something. I'll look into this.

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