One worksheet has 600 + lines with a lot of expenses, including SOME of the
local expenses. This is a check register..
Another worksheet has 300 + lines with ONLY local expenses.
Trying to get ALL expenses together, but eliminating the duplicates from new
list. Thinking B2=date. C2=name, E2=amount - - SO B2&C2&E2 on first long
worksheet and then the same on short worksheet... Bring BOTH over to new
tab and then stuck. Any ideas greatly appreciated, or another better way to
attack it.
local expenses. This is a check register..
Another worksheet has 300 + lines with ONLY local expenses.
Trying to get ALL expenses together, but eliminating the duplicates from new
list. Thinking B2=date. C2=name, E2=amount - - SO B2&C2&E2 on first long
worksheet and then the same on short worksheet... Bring BOTH over to new
tab and then stuck. Any ideas greatly appreciated, or another better way to
attack it.