


I am running a query that will return results from 4
different tables and the code looks something like this

SELECT Course.COURNUM, Profile.EmpID, Profile.EmpNAME,
Profile.EmpMGR, Profile.EmpSTRDATE, Course.StrDATE,
Course.CompDATE, Course.Instructor, Course.ResTYPE,
Training.TraiNAME, Training.Method, Results.Score,

FROM (Training INNER JOIN Course ON Training.COURNUM =
Profile.EmpID = Results.EmpID) ON Training.COURNUM =

WHERE ((([Enter Course Number])=[Results].[COURNUM]) AND
(([Enter section Number])=[Results].[SECNUM]));

Basically the structure is that the course table contains
information about courses (course number, section, times,
instructors) results(employee name, the course taken,
which section and scores) profile (has employee info) and
training (which is the course specific information, name
of course and things like that.

With all that being said, the problem i am having is that
when i run the above query to return all results for
employees who have taken that class, I get a list of the
results, but it duplicates the entire line of information
pastes it into the next row and changes the section number
to another offered section. So if Emp. 1 took Course 1
Section 1, and Course 1 has sections 1 & 2, the query will
return the results for Emp. 1 Section 1 Course 1 correctly
then also puts an extra line with the same results but is
Emp 1 Section 2 Course 1. Any ideas on what i am doing
wrong? Thanks a lot...sorry for being so wordy..

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