Duplicating Cells across worksheets


Ted K

This is an interesting one for all of you Excel wizards.

Being an avid Cyclist, I've created a great cycling log to track my rides
and performance. The log has several worksheets that cover the following:

After each ride, I enter all the data (time, distance, ave. speed, max
speed) in the Overall worksheet. For the moment, I have three columns set up
in the "Overall" for Trainer, Mountain and Road. Depending upon which I do,
I put a "1" in that cell and for each ride I do in that category, it tallies
in another cell.

Here's is where the question comes in. The "Overall" worksheet is to track
ALL of my cycling in all the different diciplines for a cumulative result.
But I also want to track individual diciplines as well, hence the "Trainer",
"Mountain" and "Road" worksheets. What I am currently doing now is copying
the necessary data from "Overall" to the associated worksheet for either
"Trainer", "Mountain" or "Road".

Instead of entering a "1" in either of the three columns, I'd like to have
one column where I'd enter "T", "M" or "R" and from that, some magical
formula would say "Hey all this stuff is supposed to go to the Road worksheet
also, I'll copy it there."

What is that magical formula????

I have to imagine it's some sort of "IF-THEN" formula (IF it's this - THEN
do this). I've tried a number of things but sadly they all ended crashing
into a flaming heap.

Your collective smarts would be greatly appreciated!!!

M Kan

Not sure about the autologging, but you could assign each ride a unique ID#
and then use that # as a VLOOKUP key for each of your other sheets. That
way, you could just enter the ride # and the other columns would
automatically populate.

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