Duration calculation



When I enter a start date (9/3/03) and enter a duration of 6 weeks, MSP
calculates the finish date to 10/6/03. If I count the weeks manually (Wed.
to Wed. X 6), I come up with a finish date of 10/15/03. The six weeks is
for delivery of a part so work resources are not being used. Should I be
using a special calendar for this to come up with my manual calculation?

Steve House

Duration is ALWAYS measured in working time units and non-working days off,
Sat and Sun in the standard calendar, do not count. So 6 weeks at 5 working
days per week equals however long it take to pass 30 working days on
whatever calendar is the Project calendar. If you need 6 weeks as measured
by the old fashioned paper Spark-O-Matic calendar on your wall, Monday to
the Monday six lines below, you need to use elapsed time which ignores
working and non-working distinctions.


Sounds like your calender is counting some weekends as
working time....

start with checking that your calender is correct... evt
mark saturday & sunday headers and click on non working
time... see if this helps

as a default calender takes 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00



Thank you Steve! And after checking the help file for "elapsed duration" I
find the simple answer to be "6ew" in the duration field.

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