Duration ging haywire


Manmeet Chaudhari

I have project server 2003.
I had created a template, which had resources and standard working calendar.
This template had total duration of 130 days
Now I want to published a project using this template but with modifications
as follows
1. Project Calendar- 7 days working, 10hours a day
2. Resource Calendar- 7 days working, 10 hours a day
However when I published my project the duration went to 235 days. The
calendar which I am using is a global calendar. Kindly suggest what I am
missing. Why is my duration going haywire.

Manmeet Chaudhari

Chris Allen

Can I suggest you review:
1) What is the Task Type? Is it Fixed Units or Fixed Work , is it also
Effort Driven? Create a small test project and verify the effect on that
project of changing the calendar, both with the task type you have, and the
other types.

2) Are there particular tasks that show larger changed Duration? What
differences exost between those tasks and others?

3) Are resources being made unavailable by other users such as their own
managers, or is resource levelling between projects being done simultaneously
by another user?

4) Is the new calendar correctly set up, with start, finish and non-working
times verified?

5) Are any resources using a different calendar either within your project
or in the Global Resource? If a critical resource is not available at a
critical stage it might create a long delay.

6) Does any task have an external dependency which is putting a large delay
into the schedule?

7) Are you using tasks set with scheduling constraints As Soon as Possible
and scheduling forward? Do any tasks have fixed dates or 'Must Start On'
type constraints? And is the scheduling Forward from Start Date, or Backward
from Finish Date?

8) Are any resources being recalculated at tiny Units? I recently saw one
recalculated at about .0125%, which added some time to THAT task! This
problem is I think caused by incompatible values of Work, Effort Driven,
Task Type and Duration.

Just understanding these details should clarify some of the problem for you.
You may find it pay to copy the file to Excel, extract only the Task Name
and re-create a fresh project from scratch if there are many internal
contradictions, because they can take a long time to root out.

Best of luck,

Manmeet Chaudhari

Dear Chris
Thanks for all help and efforts in composing the reply.
However i found solution to my problem.
I changed the default calendar option to 7days working and 10 hours a day.
This got me back to my correct duration

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