duration vs elapsed duration and resources


Jesse Teichman

I have several tasks which have fixed durations, such as one month, but which
require a resource at 50%, which to me means about 20 working days at 4
hours/day. I have entered those tasks as '1 emon' to have the gantt reflect
the proper time frame. However, when I assign the resource, the emon treats
her as if she works 24 hours a day/7 days a week, even those I have set the
resource calendar type to 'standard.' This obiously results in many more
work hours than what is intended, and I can't understand why the resource
calendar type does not force the 'emon' function to recognize that this is a
person on a 40-hour week rather than a machine that is available 24/7. Any

Rod Gill


e stands for elapsed and means ignore any calendar. 7d would be 7 working
days which in a standard 5 day calendar would be 5 working days in week1 and
2 in week 2, total 9 calendar days. 7ed is 7 24hour days regardless of
working hours. emon is the same.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

Jesse Teichman

I appreciate the response and the clarification that 'e' will not
differentiate work time and calendar time. However, I still would like to
determine how to have the gantt chart show 30 days of calendar time, while
assigning a 50% resource based on 50% of their actual available work hours.

Rod Gill

That's what Project does. If you have a 30d Task with a Resource assigned
50% then the duration is 30d, the work is 15d and the finish date is
calculated using the hours in the Resource's calendar.

The elapsed time will be about 42 days (6 weeks plus 6 weekends).

A Duration of 30ed will show an elapsed time of 30 days but the work is 84h
per week (7*24*.5).

It is less confusing to always work in normal working days. If the task is
time constrained then calculate resource hours per week needed. If resource
constrained calculate how long the required amount of work will take.

Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

Jesse Teichman

OK- I'll try everything with just normal days and see how that goes.


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