


I just want to know about the formats for Duration.Usually the format 2 days is used , but when is 2edays used.....and are there any more formats available ...Please Clarify....

Thanks in Advance.

Steve House

First of all you need to know that times such as duration and elapsed time
are *stored* as minutes. As a convenience you can choose whatever units
you'd like to use for data entry and to have it displayed in and Project
will convert that unit to and from minutes when it stores and retrieves that
data from its database. You can choose as your units minutes, hours, days,
weeks, or months. The unit by itself, "4d," indicates a duration
measurement but when the letter "e" is added, "4ed," it indicates elapsed

The settings on the Tools Options Calendar page for "hours per day" and
"hours per week" are the conversion factors Project uses to convert to
minutes when you type in a time in a unit other than hours or minutes, like
typing "3d" for example is converted to 24 hours and then to minutes if the
default setting of "Hours per day = 8" is retained.

The difference between duration and elapsed time is that duration only
counts those minutes defined as being working minutes in the project
calendar while elapsed time is regular, everyday time as is kept by clocks
and watches. Consider a task that begins Monday at 8am and ends Friday at
5pm. We work a standard calendar, 8 hours a day from 8am til 5pm (lunch
doesn't count). By the elapsed time that task is lasting 105 hours. But
only 40 hours of that is actually working time according to the default
project calendar so the duration of that task is 40 hours.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs

Minni said:
I just want to know about the formats for Duration.Usually the format 2
days is used , but when is 2edays used.....and are there any more formats
available ...Please Clarify....


Thanks for the details

----- Steve House wrote: ----

First of all you need to know that times such as duration and elapsed tim
are *stored* as minutes. As a convenience you can choose whatever unit
you'd like to use for data entry and to have it displayed in and Projec
will convert that unit to and from minutes when it stores and retrieves tha
data from its database. You can choose as your units minutes, hours, days
weeks, or months. The unit by itself, "4d," indicates a duratio
measurement but when the letter "e" is added, "4ed," it indicates elapse

The settings on the Tools Options Calendar page for "hours per day" an
"hours per week" are the conversion factors Project uses to convert t
minutes when you type in a time in a unit other than hours or minutes, lik
typing "3d" for example is converted to 24 hours and then to minutes if th
default setting of "Hours per day = 8" is retained

The difference between duration and elapsed time is that duration onl
counts those minutes defined as being working minutes in the projec
calendar while elapsed time is regular, everyday time as is kept by clock
and watches. Consider a task that begins Monday at 8am and ends Friday a
5pm. We work a standard calendar, 8 hours a day from 8am til 5pm (lunc
doesn't count). By the elapsed time that task is lasting 105 hours. Bu
only 40 hours of that is actually working time according to the defaul
project calendar so the duration of that task is 40 hours

Steve Hous
MS Project MV
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQ

Minni said:
I just want to know about the formats for Duration.Usually the format
days is used , but when is 2edays used.....and are there any more format
available ...Please Clarify...

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