Thanks John, I came to the same conclusion over night after I had time to think about the alternatives and the complexity of the first solution.
Very good move... one that does not come naturally especially to
people familiar with Excel, but it's clearly the way to go!
I can easily combine the multiple tables and make a simple column unique. If anyone has a solutiion to the "column limits" restriction in sub-form datasheets I'd like to know.
You may want to repost this as a separate thread - I'm leaving on
vacation very shortly, and I'm not at all sure what "column limits
restriction" you mean! Any Table is limited to 255 fields (an absurdly
wide table IMHO); and I tend to avoid datasheets entirely, finding
that Continuous Forms allow more control and flexibility.
If you could post this as a new question, with some more explanation
of the "limits" problem, I'm sure one of the other volunteers will be
able to help!