Dynamic chart reports in read only database




I was able to make dynamic graph reports by setting the Row Source for
the Microsoft Graph Chart to a query, and then modifying the sql of the
query before running the report. However, I have to leave the database
read only (all the data is in another db accessed via linked tables) so
that multiple users can get reports simultaneously.

I tried directly accessing the charts rowsource property, but that does
not work(already found out why)

So I am wondering if there is a way to keep the database read only and
have my pretty dynamic bar graphs.

This is the SQL statement that the chart object uses. The only thing I
need to make it work is a way to modify the text inside brackets after
the AS statement.
I tried this "AS [function(args0, args1)]" < does not work.

SELECT [points count by Dist].Distributor AS Expr1,
Sum([points count by Dist].range0) AS [chart legend 0],
Sum([points count by Dist].range1) AS [chart legend 1],
Sum([points count by Dist].range2) AS [chart legend 2],
Sum([points count by Dist].range3) AS [chart legend 3]
FROM [points count by Dist]
GROUP BY [points count by Dist].Distributor;

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