DMUM via AccessMonster.com
I have a table that shows the following information
I needed to create a report that shows all of the fields for each JobName/ID
by month. In order to do this I created 4 seperate crosstab queries for each
field - Defect, opps,SIGMA and DPMO. Each query looks like this with the
only difference being SUM(tblMetricScorecard.field) AS Sumoffield
TRANSFORM Sum(tblMetricScorecard.dblDefects) AS SumOfdblDefects
SELECT tblMetricJobsAndControls.intJobControlID, tblMetricJobsAndControls.
FROM tblMetricJobsAndControls LEFT JOIN tblMetricScorecard ON
tblMetricJobsAndControls.intJobControlID = tblMetricScorecard.intJobControlID
GROUP BY tblMetricJobsAndControls.intJobControlID, tblMetricJobsAndControls.
PIVOT tblMetricScorecard.MetricMonthStamp;
To create the report - I created another query joining all 4 queries by the
JobNameID which works like a dream when creating this manually. However I
have to manually go into the joined query and choose what months I want to
view form each individual query. To create my final result, I must know what
Month(s) I want to include AND more importantly what MONTHS of data I have.
This is where my problem starts. I want to create this report dynamicly -
allowing the user to choose what dates they want to see. I tried doing this
by having the individual queries correspond to a getStartDate and getEndDate
function on a form that will open when the user chooses to run this
partivular report. This part works, but when I get to the JOIN of the 4
queries, I'm at a lost as to how to dynamically have the correct months
populate the JOIN query.
This is my JOIN query:
SELECT qry_RT_Defect_CT.intJobControlID, qry_RT_Opps_CT.JobControlName,
qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200501] AS JanDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200502] AS
FebDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200503] AS MarDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200504]
AS AprDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200505] AS MayDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.
[200506] AS JunDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200507] AS JulDefect,
qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200508] AS AugDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200509] AS
SepDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200510] AS OctDefect, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200501] AS
JanOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200502] AS FebOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200503] AS
MarOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200504] AS AprOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200505] AS
MayOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200506] AS JunOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200507] AS
JulOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200508] AS AugOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200509] AS
SepOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200510] AS OctOpps, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200501] AS
JanSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200502] AS FebSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200503] AS
MarSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200504] AS AprSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200505] AS
MaySigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200506] AS JunSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200507] AS
JulSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200508] AS AugSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200509] AS
SepSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200510] AS OctSigma, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200501] AS
JanDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200502] AS FebDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200503] AS
MarDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200504] AS AprDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200505] AS
MayDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200506] AS JunDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200507] AS
JulDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200508] AS AugDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200509] AS
SepDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200510] AS OctDPMO
FROM ((qry_RT_Defect_CT INNER JOIN qry_RT_Opps_CT ON qry_RT_Defect_CT.
JobControlName = qry_RT_Opps_CT.JobControlName) INNER JOIN qry_RT_Sigma_CT ON
qry_RT_Opps_CT.JobControlName = qry_RT_Sigma_CT.JobControlName) INNER JOIN
qry_RT_DPMO_CT ON qry_RT_Sigma_CT.JobControlName = qry_RT_DPMO_CT.
The problem here is that If I need to add Novembers data - I have to manually
go in and add it to each individual query and then add it to the JOIN query.
Also, if I don't have data - say for JUN, I get an error because the JOIN
query is looking for that month
I've looked at many of the responses for crosstab queries and also looked at
a few examples that were provided. But, I don't see any that represent what
I need or either I am just not understanding the recommendation provided -
this is of course not a far fetched idea. Anyway, I would appreciate any
help someone can provide. I am a loss how to get this to work without a
manual change.
Thank you
I have a table that shows the following information
I needed to create a report that shows all of the fields for each JobName/ID
by month. In order to do this I created 4 seperate crosstab queries for each
field - Defect, opps,SIGMA and DPMO. Each query looks like this with the
only difference being SUM(tblMetricScorecard.field) AS Sumoffield
TRANSFORM Sum(tblMetricScorecard.dblDefects) AS SumOfdblDefects
SELECT tblMetricJobsAndControls.intJobControlID, tblMetricJobsAndControls.
FROM tblMetricJobsAndControls LEFT JOIN tblMetricScorecard ON
tblMetricJobsAndControls.intJobControlID = tblMetricScorecard.intJobControlID
GROUP BY tblMetricJobsAndControls.intJobControlID, tblMetricJobsAndControls.
PIVOT tblMetricScorecard.MetricMonthStamp;
To create the report - I created another query joining all 4 queries by the
JobNameID which works like a dream when creating this manually. However I
have to manually go into the joined query and choose what months I want to
view form each individual query. To create my final result, I must know what
Month(s) I want to include AND more importantly what MONTHS of data I have.
This is where my problem starts. I want to create this report dynamicly -
allowing the user to choose what dates they want to see. I tried doing this
by having the individual queries correspond to a getStartDate and getEndDate
function on a form that will open when the user chooses to run this
partivular report. This part works, but when I get to the JOIN of the 4
queries, I'm at a lost as to how to dynamically have the correct months
populate the JOIN query.
This is my JOIN query:
SELECT qry_RT_Defect_CT.intJobControlID, qry_RT_Opps_CT.JobControlName,
qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200501] AS JanDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200502] AS
FebDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200503] AS MarDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200504]
AS AprDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200505] AS MayDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.
[200506] AS JunDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200507] AS JulDefect,
qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200508] AS AugDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200509] AS
SepDefect, qry_RT_Defect_CT.[200510] AS OctDefect, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200501] AS
JanOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200502] AS FebOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200503] AS
MarOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200504] AS AprOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200505] AS
MayOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200506] AS JunOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200507] AS
JulOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200508] AS AugOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200509] AS
SepOpps, qry_RT_Opps_CT.[200510] AS OctOpps, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200501] AS
JanSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200502] AS FebSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200503] AS
MarSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200504] AS AprSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200505] AS
MaySigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200506] AS JunSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200507] AS
JulSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200508] AS AugSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200509] AS
SepSigma, qry_RT_Sigma_CT.[200510] AS OctSigma, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200501] AS
JanDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200502] AS FebDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200503] AS
MarDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200504] AS AprDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200505] AS
MayDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200506] AS JunDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200507] AS
JulDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200508] AS AugDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200509] AS
SepDPMO, qry_RT_DPMO_CT.[200510] AS OctDPMO
FROM ((qry_RT_Defect_CT INNER JOIN qry_RT_Opps_CT ON qry_RT_Defect_CT.
JobControlName = qry_RT_Opps_CT.JobControlName) INNER JOIN qry_RT_Sigma_CT ON
qry_RT_Opps_CT.JobControlName = qry_RT_Sigma_CT.JobControlName) INNER JOIN
qry_RT_DPMO_CT ON qry_RT_Sigma_CT.JobControlName = qry_RT_DPMO_CT.
The problem here is that If I need to add Novembers data - I have to manually
go in and add it to each individual query and then add it to the JOIN query.
Also, if I don't have data - say for JUN, I get an error because the JOIN
query is looking for that month
I've looked at many of the responses for crosstab queries and also looked at
a few examples that were provided. But, I don't see any that represent what
I need or either I am just not understanding the recommendation provided -
this is of course not a far fetched idea. Anyway, I would appreciate any
help someone can provide. I am a loss how to get this to work without a
manual change.
Thank you