Dynamic database



I am in the process of designing a new database to help in my companies
quoting process. On the form that I would like to create I would like to be
able to select from a drop down list a Model type this would then dynamically
set the drop down list for the fields on the form. Example Product A has
Length options of 5’ or 5.5’ Product B has Length options of 7.6’ or 8.1’. If
I select product A from the drop down list I would like to have the drop down
list for Length refer to table with the lengths for Product A. If I delected
B I would like the drop down list to refer to teh table with the Legths for
Product B
This is just in the design stage right now so I do not have sample code to


I would not have different products in different tables.
Otherwise you will need to create a new table when you have new products.
Not a good design. Put them all in one table with columns:
Product Name Product length
When you select the product you dynamically reset the source for the length
drop down boxes to say 'SELECT Len from table where product = selected



Right now the products are all in the same table it is the lengths that I
have in different tables. My though for this is this way the user could only
select from the lengths that are appropriate for the selected product. I have
some understanding of SQL but I am not sure how you would dynamically reset
the source for the length drop down.

Jason Lepack

Right now the products are all in the same table it is the lengths that I
have in different tables. My though for this is this way the user could only
select from the lengths that are appropriate for the selected product. I have
some understanding of SQL but I am not sure how you would dynamically reset
the source for the length drop down.

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I created this example:

productID - AutoNumber - PK
productName - Text

lengthID - AutoNumber - PK
productID - Number - FK
lengthNum - Number - The length of the product

I created a form with two combo boxes

This combo box has the productID as the key field and displays the
product name in the box.
RowSource - "SELECT tbl_product.productID, tbl_product.productName
FROM tbl_product ORDER BY [productName];"
ColumnCount - 2
ColumnHeads - False
ColumnWidths - 0;1440
BoundColumn - 1

RowSource - "SELECT lengthID, lengthNum FROM tbl_lengths WHERE
productID=forms!form1!cboProduct ORDER BY lengthNum;"
ColumnCount - 2
ColumnHeads - False
ColumnWidths - 0;1440
BoundColumn - 1

Then in the afterUpdate event of cboProduct put the statement:

Jason Lepack

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