Dynamic filtering


John F

What I want to create is a dynamic filter that will narrow down your choices
as you type in a combo box.

I.E. The selection narrows as you type "a" will display all that starts with
Continue to type "ab" displays all that start with "ab" then by the time you
have typed "aba" you may now only have 3 or 4 choices to choose from and
clicking one will bring up that record for viewing or modification.

I have seen it done in web based database front ends. Is there a way to do
this from a form control?


The standard form filter is:
Me.filter = "[youridfield] = """ & Me.combo# & """"
Then check with Allen Browne at www.allenbrowne.com to get the search as you
type part.


That is the usual behaviour of a combo box. Just be sure the Auto Expand
property is set to Yes.

John F

Yes but by default it shows all. What Im looking for is to only display
matching criteria hopefully limiting possibilities of mis-selection. The
above post appears to fit the bill, but I have not been able ti investigate


John F

Gets very close to what I am looking for. I will take a bit of modification
but I think that I can make it work.


Golfinray said:
The standard form filter is:
Me.filter = "[youridfield] = """ & Me.combo# & """"
Then check with Allen Browne at www.allenbrowne.com to get the search as you
type part.

John F said:
What I want to create is a dynamic filter that will narrow down your choices
as you type in a combo box.

I.E. The selection narrows as you type "a" will display all that starts with
Continue to type "ab" displays all that start with "ab" then by the time you
have typed "aba" you may now only have 3 or 4 choices to choose from and
clicking one will bring up that record for viewing or modification.

I have seen it done in web based database front ends. Is there a way to do
this from a form control?

John F

The post from Golfinray is very close to what I am looking for. It allows a
person to find items in the middle of the field. Which allows the operator to
not have to know if the record has "The" in front and still find the
information. But thank-you.

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