Dynamic Fixed List



Is there a way to change the choices presented by one drop down list
custom property by what is selected by a second fixed list custom
property? Programmatically or otherwise?

For example if one fixed list contains: Dog; Cat
If Dog is selected then the breed list property will narrow down to:
Beagle, Collie, etc
If Cat is selected then the breed list property will narrow down to:
Siamese, etc



use the shapesheet cell for all the custom proprities. Define a user cell as
a swtich. AKA something like if dog then switch=1 else switch=2. Then in
the customer proprity section in the invisbile cell....have If switch=1,
false, else true.

I have done this actually 4 tiers down...works fine.

Its a great way to get around the problem of only 1 panel for custom
properties presented and the errata about not handling too many custom

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